Wednesday, September 22, 2010


   Thanks for visiting our blog. This is our 100th post! 99 posts into our first location, we decided to give our blog a new Blogspot location and a whole new design. After over a month of preparation, we have finally finished the updated, fresh look of our new web address! ( We plan to have weekly book reviews, monthly guest authors, and more.
      It is our hope that through this blog, your life with Christ will be strengthened. In our own relationships with Him, we have been learning to trust Him, follow where He leads, and learn from everything we experience. What you'll find here are honest, day-to-day accounts of how we learn from God through all that we encounter.
     Hope you'll continue to visit us on our walk in the light!
                                                                              Your Sisters in Christ,
                                                                                     Lindsey & Lauren

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