Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday's Selections from Our Bookshelf: No Compromise

"You've got to read this book!" my mom encouraged me. "It's really life-changing." I shrugged, silently arguing that I'd read a lot of "life-changing" books, and my life was still the same every time. I always closed the book with a happy sigh, thinking, "That's just great! What a nice story. I'd like to live that way." Somehow, nothing ever changes.

Keith Green's story is different from everyone elses. He was only a Christian for a couple of years before he and two of his precious children were killed in an airplane crash on his own property. But in that span of time, lasting less than a decade, he impacted millions and millions of people for Christ. Not only were they affected, but their lives were drastically changed.

What made Keith different from every other Christian is that he lived radically for Christ. Before he was a Christian, he lived radically for drugs and everything that every other hippie loved, so he thought that it was only natural to transfer that passion from idiotic practices to living for the King of kings. And what a transfer! In one situation, he and a van full of his Christian friends picked up two unmarried hitchhikers, prayed for their healing, got them married and converted all in one day!

After Keith became famous because of his gift for music, he didn't let any of it go to his head. Instead, he gave every tiny ounce of glory to his Creator, thus leading everyone, from his die hard fans to those who saw him on the street, to the light that He displayed so brightly.

Keith's wife Melody write his biography, No Compromise, just years after his death. However, his story continued to have such an impact on people all over the world that she wrote a revised and expanded edition fifteen years later, and this is what found its way into my hands as I sat in bed and read until 2:30 AM the other night, tears streaming down my face.

If we only realized how incredible our Lord Jesus is, we might begin to live for Him the way Keith Green did.

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