Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Choose Joy

It's easy to be happy when things are going great. It's not so easy to be happy when things are not.

Aren't I deep? I think Confucius said that once.

These past two weeks have been full of some rather unfortunate circumstances. Between four student cancellations in two days, a rather terse activities director, misread schedules, and a student who quit lessons altogether, it's been one thing after another. Then the steering wheel in the car decided it didn't like turning, thus all of my plans for today were cancelled. "Well," I thought as I hung up the phone after calling a friend of mine to postpone our lunch date, "at least I don't need a car for the lesson I have this morning!"

I waited for a half an hour before coming to the conclusion that she must've forgotten.

Am I telling you all of this to complain? Of course not. Because, if I was, I'd end this post right here and say, "Feel sorry for me!"

No, I'm telling you all of this because I have a feeling that you've often had weeks exactly like mine- probably weeks that were much worse, too. And in those weeks, you, like me, probably felt a little bit sorry for yourself and probably complained a little bit to anyone who was willing to listen. And, in our culture, that's fine. We're encouraged to "let it all out" and take some "me time" to rejuvinate and feel better about ourselves and our unfortunate circumstances.

Well, let me tell you, that was my first thought this morning. And then it struck me- that's exactly what satan wants. He wants to destroy every bit of my "happiness" until I am rendered useless for the purposes of God. If I am feeling sorry for myself and lose any bit of my joy, I am no longer a representation of Jesus on this earth- I'm just like everyone else, wallowing in my earthly unhappiness.

Happiness is fleeting. Depending upon it is like depending upon sunshine on a windy, cloudy day. You smile when the clouds blow away from the sun and its beams radiate down upon your shoulders, but the moment that another cloud rolls by, your grin fades. Happiness depends upon circumstances.

Joy is a choice. That's what Jesus whispered in my ear this morning. No matter what is going on, His joy is there, ready and waiting for me to grab a hold of it and smile. As soon as I do, it's the enemy that is rendered powerless.

And that is definitely something to smile about. =)

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