Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It Takes More Than a Tutu

There was a season in my life when I aspired to be a ballerina. Pointe shoes, tutus, graceful arms, and tour jetes got me hooked at a young age. I read books about ballet and took ballet classes. Nearly every year, yet another dazzling costume made of tulle, velvet and ribbon was added to my closet. The Nutcracker was a personal favorite, and I often listened to the soundtrack (even when it wasn't Christmas). Several of my friends liked ballet, too. Becoming a ballerina was my dream.

But there were set-backs--limitations. As I grew older, the realities were obvious, and hope began to fade. If I were to reach my lofty goal, it would require being consumed with ballet. For one thing, I would have to attend the the Royal Ballet School. (That's where they all go, right?)Classes would be six days a week. My diet would have to consist of yogurt, fruit and water. As I read about some of the world's greatest dancers, I was astonished at the dedication it would require. Most disappointing of all, however, was, compared to the rest of my amateur classmates, I was just as average as they were; or worse. It wasn't long before I gave up the idea altogether.

I long to be a sold-out, passionate servant for my Beloved Savior. But, doing so requires more than reading books about Him, listening to music about Him, or wearing "Christian t-shirts". It requires more than hanging out with Christian friends.

A dancer must commit her life to her passion. It's just how it works. You never become a great ballerina by just reading a book about one. You aren't a dancer just because you wear a tutu. No, you live it. Isn't it the same with Christians? Walking in the light requires our entire all. Many of us only read the books, wear the shirts, hang out with the friends, and sing the songs. It doesn't work. So we throw up our hands and say, "I give up!"

What are you going to do? "Well, it'd be a lot easier if I actually knew someone who lives like that!" I've said it before, too. But why do we say that? It's not people we're trying to live like, it's Christ. It's Him we're living for, no one else.

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