Monday, May 30, 2011

His Pursuit

God is relentless.

I keep thinking about that.

Have you ever thought about that?

Each of us has a life to live. Responsibilities. Struggles. Fears. Schedules. Deadlines. No matter what we're going through, if we want to live for Jesus then we're all in the same boat. And in the sixteen hours that we're awake, we try to remember that there is a God in Heaven who loves us and wants to hear our precious voices calling out to Him throughout the day. I don't know about you, but I always feel like if I just made this change in my life or decide to start making that choice, He would finally be satisfied.

How far from the truth can one possibly be?

What about God? What fills His "sixteen hours?" Since He isn't struggling, He must live the abundant life that we all long for, so what thoughts prevail in His mind as He goes about His daily tasks? What is He dwelling upon? What is He living for?


You have never left His mind. Not once. For all of the times that you have forsaken Him, even for a moment- when you've let Him leave your thoughts for an hour or two, when you've become distracted or disillusioned or unfocused- He's still been passionately in love with you. And He still is passionately in love with you.

I thought about that the other day. Even in the moments that I turn away from Him, He's still as in love with me as He was the moment that His blood poured down the wooden cross where He hung and died for me.

That's the way that He feels about you right now as this very moment. His heart skips a beat at the thought of you. A smile breaks over His face when He thinks of yours.

Do we deserve it? Not a bit. But it's part of the package. And the moment that we turn to Him, we get to feel that passionate love. It's real- so real that it's almost tangible. If I only took some of those sixteen hours to ask Him to reveal it to me, I might be able to feel it.

Don't forget Him today, dear friend, because He refuses to forget you.     

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