Thursday, January 20, 2011

He Supplies

It had been a long day, and an even longer night. After helping watch twelve energetic kindergartners for the evening, it was no wonder my mind was a in whirlwind when I came home.
I just want everything to be quiet, I thought as I hung up my coat. Just some peace and quiet!
"How was you class tonight?" My sister asked.
"Fine..." the exasperated voice replied.
Without a second thought, I headed to the kitchen for a snack, and then plopped down in front of the computer. To my dismay, I found that the Internet was down, again. Okay then-I'm just going to take a nice, long, hot bath, and then go to bed!
As I slumped up the stairs, dozens of selfish, tiring thoughts were tour jete-ing though my mind. "Pathetic" might a fitting word for the situation.
But, upon reaching my room, it was as if the very breath of the Spirit of God filled my entire mind and soul. Suddenly, worry turned to peace. Weary turned to might. Confusion turned to clarity.
There on my bed, from an earlier study, were two Bibles. "Open them," Jesus urged.
With a purring cat in my lap, I did just as He instructed. The first one said:
The Lord gives me wisdom
and the second said,
Christ gives me strength
Wisdom and strength. Oddly, weren't those the very two things, in a nutshell, the characteristics which I lacked?
However, I realized there in His precious presence, that receiving such qualities takes more than a mere prayer which says, "C'mon God, give me some strength and wisdom!"
I believe for Christ to give us wisdom and strength, it involves this:

  • Deliberately surrendering the selfish fleshly habits and desires. (Such as long hot baths and extended computer time. Ahem.)

  • Submitting our human "ME-mentality" (For Christ-the giver of strength and wisdom, has the preeminence)

  • Purifying our hearts from past sin

  • Passionately pursuing the Author and Perfecter of our faith

  • That no matter who we are with (including our family) we are joyfully serving and pointing their eyes toward Christ and not ourselves.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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