Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Have you ever thought about looking at your surroundings in a different way? I love to do just that. If you ever catch me just staring off in the distance, it's probably because I'm thinking about perspective.

I suppose it began as a kid, when imagination was so real, it was almost reality. With perspective, I imagined what is was like to be a pioneer, an Indian, or a sailor on a ship.

While I'm no longer in the habit of playing the roles of Laura Ingalls, Swift Foot, or Captian Hook, I still love perspective. It's such a pleasure to look at things in a different way.

Yet, with all that said, I so often forget to even take a glimpse at things through the eyes of our Lord. Not sure how? Open your Bible--and get a look at your King's heart.

From my perspective, everything seems so uncertain. Perhaps from your perspective, it seems as though things won't work out, or that your little "vacation" from your study in the Word doesn't really matter.

Oh, but what a keen perspective our God has! The journey of our life? Well, God wrote the story. Our straying from Him? He knows our thoughts, every moment.

Our King made the pearl-like bumps on a starfish, the music of birds, the tallest mountain, the mightiest miracles, the spots on a ladybug, --and details like that--big or small, simply give me thrill.

And it is He who longs for us to surrender ourselves to Him.

If we live with that perspective, what a life we shall live!

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