Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Power of Testimony

I've met some interesting people over the last few years and, as a direct result, have come into contact with so many questions and stories and thoughts to ponder. So many people are searching for something (or, should I say, Someone) who has been right beside them all along.

"Well, how do you know He exists?"
"Why is there pain and suffering?"
"Why doesn't He feel close to me?"

It would be easy to give a generic, Christianese answer. "Because God is love, and...He loves us...and...Jesus died on the cross...and..." but that really doesn't cut it when someone has heard and believed that their whole life long and things have never gotten any better.

I was on the phone the other day with a dear sister in Christ, and she brought to my attention a story that is so powerful it knocks the socks off of every cliche "Christian" answer I could possibly give. And it's true. And it didn't happen 2,000 years ago.

There was a man who had been in a severe accident that severed his entire body in half.


Anyway, He should've been dead- no one had ever survived such an accident. But there were angels at the scene- the man saw them- and he was brought to the hospital, still alive.

The doctors told him that his small intenstine was missing, and, because of this, he was going to die. There was no way for his body to digest anything, and he couldn't receive the nutrients he needed any other way.

Meanwhile, a man in a different state felt God tell him to get on a plane and fly to this hospital and pray for a specific man who he knew absolutely nothing about. The man obeyed, and flew to the hospital, finding the dying man God had spoken of. He laid hands on him and prayed.

The man lying on his deathbed began to feel something in his abdomen- his small intestine instantly grew back. The x-rays proved it.

You can't tell me there's no God. And you can't tell me that He doesn't heal people anymore, because it's simply not true. Next time you need an "answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have," (1 Peter 3:15) just remember the power of testimony.

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