Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tips From the Radio

This morning, as I was pulling up the shade, listeners from a Christian radio station were giving tips on how to beat those "dreary winter blues."

"Send note cards," one said. "Start exercising," suggested another. One chipper voice advised, "go to a concert!"

I couldn't help but agree that sometimes, the winter can get long and cold. As I pulled back my curtains, I saw there was indeed another gray, cloudy winter morn.

But those suggestions? I've nothing against a good concert or doing a few crunches--but have we ever tried simply abandoning our self-lives (which indeed often become gray and dreary) in exchange for an adventure with the King?

Lauren and I were commenting on the fact that so many people--including Christians--seem to get stuck in this pattern, of doing the same thing, everyday. Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Over, and over, and over! With dark winter days, I must admit it would be easy to get in that sort of rut.

However, I'm determined not to fall into that pattern. The Christ-life can be--and is--a thrilling, exciting, radical love-story between you and your Prince.

"But you don't know what it's like for me," you say. "I have no choice over what I do--I have to go to my job, to my school, drive my kids to their activities, to babysit, to make dinner..."

We may not always have a choice in such things, but we do have choice in the way approach them.

A dreary, dark, life, or a light-filled adventure.

You pick.

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