Monday, February 14, 2011

A First Anniversary Note from Lauren

Lindsey and I are so much alike that we usually go through the same emotions at the same time, whether we're sitting next to each other or we're hundreds of miles apart. When we get together we're usually wearing the same colors or have the same hairstyle. And sometimes we have the exact same ideas without ever having mentioned them to each other.

This blog is a perfect example. Our deep, thought-provoking conversation about beginning it went something like this:

"So, I've been thinking that we should start a blog."

"Really? It was one of my goals to do that this summer!"

"Great! We should do that. Let's go eat some ice cream."

Case in point.

It's been a year since we began this journey. 177 posts later, we're not the same people that we were on Valentine's Day, 2010. Not even close. In fact, the Lauren that I was then is barely reminiscent of the Lauren I am now. And, hopefully, the same thing is true for you.

Whether you've been journeying along with us since we began or you just followed a link for the first time today, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for seeking Jesus with us. He is worth everything that we are and everything that we have. I can't tell you how many people I've watched and wondered, "What would their life look like if they handed it over to Him?" And, in following along with what Jesus has been teaching us, you are taking steps right along with us as we strive to know Him more. Striving to be more like Him and striving to follow in His steps are two of the hardest, most beautiful things you will ever do.

Never be content to stay as you are. Never say to yourself, "I think I've finally arrived!" Never be satisfied with just being a lukewarm, shoulder-shrugging, half-full, flabby sort of Christian.

We can always know Him more. We can always reflect Him more. We can always praise Him more. We can always pull those journeying with us closer to Him.

On this beautiful Valentine's Day, I would like to propose a toast to you. And since I'm too young for champagne, I raise my tea cup high and say, "Here's to never being satisfied with anything but the greatest, most beautiful, most adventurous love story of all time with the most beautiful Lover there is. May we be able to look back on this day in 2012 and say, 'I'm not the same as I was, because He has propelled me foward into the destiny that He ordained for me before He laid the foundations of the world.'"

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