Friday, February 25, 2011

Steadfast Devotion

"Ponder my excellence."

I closed my eyes and listened to His tender, precious words. Lately my heart had felt cold and aching, and just to hear Him whisper in my ear warmed and healed it. Like a cup of hot tea, or a soothing oinment, the words of my King brought comfort.

Yes, my heart was aching, and I knew why. In fact, the reason alarmed me greatly. In the past week, I had read no great books, never heard a heart-wrenching sermon, had no deep spiritiual disscussions with friends or family, had no radical answers to prayer. I had numerous short comings. And when I went to Jesus, our sacred time together felt cold. Of course, I knew it was all my fault.

The question nagged me all week. Was my Christian faith built off of books, sermons, and Bible studies? Did I spend more time talking about the excellence of God, than I did pondering Him alone?

The whole week I attempted to ignore these thoughts. You can probably guess that it didn't work. I tried to stand on my own, and say, "oh well!" but my knees were weak, and it could not be done in my own strength.

So it was there on my knees, weak and ashamed, where He wrapped His arms about me and gently lifted me up and said, "ponder my excellence."

It's been and delicate and humbling process. I am human. He is God. Allowing Him to work in you is like going though heart surgery. But there is forgiveness at the foot of the cross, my dear friends! There is joy, there is peace at the foot of the cross.

Ponder the excellence of the most High. Expect excellence. Approach it. Worship and behold the awesomeness of the King. Open your heart to the fire of God's purifying promise. Allow God's work to mature you and prepare you for service.

If I continue to "build my faith" using inspiring books and moving sermons, there will always be wavering highs and lows. But, if I come to Jesus (pondering, worshipping, and expecting His excellence) with steadfast devotion, He will hold us up.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones. Proverbs 3 :5-8

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