Monday, May 23, 2011

Simple Love

God has used the little four year-old that I babysit to teach me so many lessons, probably because she is the opitomy of the child that we are supposed to mirror ourselves after.

The other day, she asked me to accompany her downstairs in order to complete some simple task that she sees as "work," such as finding her pink princess dress or playing with her play-doh. As we were walking, she said, "I love you, Lauren."

It wasn't as if she looked deeply into my eyes or even turned around to glance at me. She might as well have been saying, "It's a nice day today," but her words were honest and I knew that she meant them with all her heart.

She has done this before. Last time we were sitting at the dinner table, and she said the very same thing.

"I love you, Lauren."

Honest, simple, no-strings-attached love.

As her words echoed in my mind, I thought about how complicated we make our faith sometimes. We have so many rituals, so many things that try to mend the curtain that ripped as Jesus spilled His blood for us on the cross. While I spend so much of my time subconciously trying to decide what will please Him most, maybe all that He wants to hear is an honest, simple, no-strings-attached statement:

I love You, Jesus.

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