Sunday, June 19, 2011

He Loves Us

One of my favorite things to do is converse with someone that I just met and feel like I've known them forever, which happened to me twice this week. One of the conversations was with a young woman who is quite a few years younger than me, but so wise that she might as well be a forty-five year-old pastor.

We had a long talk.

I think I learned more from talking with her than she learned from talking with me.

Her passion for Jesus and knowledge of His word astounded me. But, more than anything else about her, I was amazed by her confidence in one thing:

Jesus loves us.

In all honesty, I was beginning to feel like He was dissappointed with me. It's probably because I'm so much busier now than I've ever been before and I haven't studied His word as I should and I'm often too tired to have long conversations with Him that last deep into the night. And, because of these shortcomings, I had somehow convinced myself that He wasn't as pleased with me as He used to be.

"You know, I've been thinking lately about worship," she said simply. "It's not something that I have to give to God, but something that I can't help but give Him as a response to how much He loves me. Why would I ever want anything else?" She was beaming. She just knew that Jesus was in love with her and that she didn't need to do anything to deserve His love.

Does this give me an excuse to not study my Bible? Not at all- in fact, it should make me all the more eager to get to know this amazing God whose love for me doesn't depend upon anything that I do.

I just wanted to remind you that He loves you. We can't possibly comprehend how much, and there's no reason to try. All we're supposed to do is rest in His love.

That's all He wants.

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