Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

I'm pretty sure that I'm the world's slowest runner. Though I find some consolation in the fact that I can run several miles, (if I'm in the right mood and the weather's great and I have my special purple socks with cats on them- and this is no exaggeration,) some days it just feels like I couldn't be any slower if I tried.

This very thought was on my mind today while I was on my way home. I had already run over three miles and didn't have far to go, but it really didn't feel like much of an accomplishment at my puttering pace. 

As I was wondering how to get my speed up, it occurred to me that no one is in control of how fast I'm going but me. I could read articles about running and buy better shoes and drink protein shakes and come up with some kind of training routine, but unless I make the decision to push myself beyond what's comfortable, I'll run like a turtle forever.

Sadly, this has been very similar to my relationship with Jesus lately. Whenever I start to get distracted or "too busy" or confused, I complain to Him about it and wonder why things aren't magically fixing themselves. But then I remember that the times when our relationship has been the strongest have also been the times when I've made the choice to block out everything else for specifically set apart amounts of time and get on my knees before Him with complete honesty. And, for the most part, that hasn't been happening for awhile. 

Sure, I have a whole lot of excuses. But excuses will never get me anywhere any more than they will make me run faster. All they'll do is pass time- valuable time that I won't be spending walking in the victorious peace and joy that Jesus so desperately wants to bring.  

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