Sunday, January 1, 2012

Your Grace is Enough

I glanced at the scene behind me as I buckled my seat belt. On the floor of the car there were bags. Bags of groceries I had picked up for mom, a bag of clearance sweaters, a bag with shoes (a thrifting find) and even a bag with a lampshade.

As I pulled out of the parking lot to head home, I thought about the hundreds of people I had just seen, shopping, as I was, and simply ended up with a pile bags with stuff in them, not at all enough to satisfy the desires, problems, and attitudes of the heart.

Those were the thoughts in my head as I came to a corner, and God  gently said, "go straight,"  which was a way I wouldn't normally go. I did, and wondered why He told me to go this way. Maybe there would have been an accident if I had turned? Suddenly, as I came out of the woods,  one of the most gorgeous winter sunsets appeared. It was bright and beautiful and powerful.

Had I turned, I wouldn't have ever noticed the magnificent sunset! A song called, "Your Grace is Enough" was playing on the radio, and it was perfect timing. This song and sunset were a clear picture that my "stuff", and your "stuff" can never compare to what our King has to offer.

That sunset resulted in a amazing time of prayer in the evening alone with the Savior. Could bags of goods from a shopping trip ever do that? Dear friends, may this sunset be a reminder for both of us that He alone can satisfy. Don't settle for less.

His grace is enough.  

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